Wildcards are symbols used to allow for spelling variations and alternate word endings.
Different symbols are used by different search software programs.
-- part contents for card part 7
----- text -----
Search Strategies: Proximity
-- part contents for card part 13
----- text -----
Search Strategy: Compact AND Disc
-- part contents for card part 17
----- text -----
A revolutionary new technology is COMPACT DISC Read Only Memory. It can store vast amounts of data.
-- part contents for card part 18
----- text -----
COMPACT cars are selling very well in the U.S. Most of the small cars have power steering and DISC brakes.
-- part contents for card part 19
----- text -----
Obviously, the article you want is Article # 1. To help eliminate unwanted articles, you can specify that the keywords be at different proximities. For example, you could specify that the words be ADJACENT; within a certain number of WORDS APART; in the same PARAGRAPH; or in the same ARTICLE.